When I was little, I used to see what would happen if you replaced a person’s cat with a dog, and vice versa, and whether they would notice the difference. You’d be surprised by how often people just didn’t know. I did use doggy cats and catty dogs, so maybe that was it.
Now, I’ve moved onto the property market. Oh, the wonderful market of property. See, I come from a long line of estate agents. My father was an estate agent, my grandfather owned lots of estate, and you could say he had agency over that estate, and I’m not sure about further back. I think some of my relatives are Melbourne property conveyancers…or some such thing. Y’know, it’s a bit vague. Still, I have it in my blood. I look at a home and I hear the amount it was sold for being whispered into my head, like some kind of spider-sense. All the greats had this gift, which surely means I’m cut out for a life of greatness. Great things await me. I just know it. Great conveyancing things. Not that conveyancing means pounding the pavement in search for a person’s dream home, but I feel like it’s a great stepping stone into the industry for me, you see. 0
I have other skills as well. Like my ability to estimate how long it will be before a house is sold. I’ve looked at houses in prime position that you think would be sold in three days flat. Nope! That little voice tells me that it won’t be that easy. Six weeks at least, the voice says. Maybe seven, if that prediction of rain comes true and no one comes to the open day. I strolled by seven weeks later after a particularly bad shower of rain, and the sign was still alive. I called it! One day I want to become Melbourne’s conveyancer for the people, I’ll use my talents to make property transfers better for everyone. I dedicate my life to this cause.