If there’s anyone bad at searching the web, it’s me. People say I’ve got my head buried in the sand but it’s more like wherever I go I’m followed by a big sand storm. I’m always the last to hear about events, if I even hear about them at all. And whenever I need something I assume it doesn’t exist because, of course, I can’t find it. If it wasn’t for dry needling courses close to Auckland, I’d still be floundering in my own musculoskeletal pain.
I was having pains in my back, neck and shoulders. And my boyfriend’s massage skills weren’t doing me any favours. It’s hard to put these pains and symptoms into words. I know I had to find some manual therapy but didn’t know how to go about it. I tried searching for “pulsing pain” but got no results and later discovered that people usually say “throbbing”, then I searched for chiropractors but when I saw the chiro he told me that I was in the wrong place. He told me to see the osteopath so I did that and the same thing happened. She brushed me off and told me she could do nothing for me. I felt forlorn. I screamed into the night, “Wherefore art thou pain treatment?”
It was by pure chance that I saw the little college across the road, because I could have been searching the internet forever in vain, not knowing what I was looking for or how to find it. I knew that trigger point dry needling was for me. Unfortunately, we’re going to have to move to Adelaide soon to look after my boyfriend’s sickly elderly aunt, but I discovered that I can take a dry needling course in the Adelaide CBD. The treatment was so effective that now I’m going to study it. I just want to bring the relief from pain that I experienced to other people and make them smile.