Ugh. We’ve just sold my grandfather’s house in Tamworth and the buyers are being ridiculously annoying. It’s like they’re bought the property, were completely with how it is, and then decided they could get us to change a whole heap of things. Aside from not being happy with us leaving most of the furniture in the house (I mean, who wouldn’t want free furniture?) they’ve asked us to get rid rid of all the gravel in the driveway, fix a hole in the ceiling, remove all the spare tiles and, worst of all, to get rid of the carports. In Tamworth, as in most other places around the world, a house is what it is. If you buy it and you’re not entirely happy with it, then you should go in and fix it under your own steam, not just expect that the previous owners would be happy to finance major changes. I mean, it just defies all belief. The audacity of these people.
The thing is, they know they can get away with it because, after talking to my sister for just a few moments, they realised just how desperate we are to get rid of it. They saw an opportunity and they went for it. They realised that, by applying enough pressure and by being persuasive enough, getting us to demolish the shed at our own cost was not outside the realm of possibility. Of all the custom sheds in Tamworth, ours was the most customised, so that during his working life, grandad never had to want for anything and everything had it’s own place. By demolishing it, as we plan to do, we’re essentially getting rid of a major asset on the property, one that would be useful for the buyers if they ever wanted to sell. At the very least, it could be used as storage in the meantime.